If you are still single in three years, would you start to adjust and perhaps, lower your expectations for your future partner? Our experiences shape our thinking as we ...
转眼间,两颗红豆已经走过第7个年头,据不完全统计,至少有100,000+情侣通过红豆的线上平台走到了一起。如今,我们又有了一对一高端婚恋服务,在进行大量数据分析的同时,通过第一手资料、案例分析和深度访谈等,运用质化研究法(Qualitative Research)来洞察婚恋问题中的本质属性。新的一年里,我们将分享更多真实故事,和大家一 ...
“2018. New year, new resolutions, new me.” We often tell ourselves to trust our feelings, feelings of love, and go with them. As Amelia Brand, portrayed by Anna ...